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European Council President pressures Iranian president over missile supplies to Russia - Media

European Council President pressures Iranian president over missile supplies to Russia - Media Photo: President of the European Council Charles Michel and Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian (

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, held a meeting with Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian. The parties discussed the issue of Iran supplying missiles to Russia, according to Michel's Twitter and The Wall Street Journal correspondent Laurence Norman's Twitter.

According to Michel, he met with Pezeshkian on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

"Reiterated EU’s concerns: delivery of weapons to Russia, destabilizing the region through proxies, detained EU citizens, nuclear program and human rights situation," the official added.

He also emphasized the importance of dialogue to avoid escalation.

In turn, the WSJ correspondent, citing sources, noted that during the meeting, Michel told the Iranian leader that relations between the EU and Iran are "at their lowest point."

Additionally, the President of the European Council pressured the Iranian president on issues related to human rights, regional destabilization, missile supplies to Russia, and the imprisonment of European citizens in Iran.

According to the source, Michel expressed readiness to renew nuclear diplomacy with Iran.

Pezehskian, for his part, again denied the supply of missiles to Russia and any intention to develop nuclear weapons.

What preceded this

On September 10, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed media reports that Iran had provided Russia with its short-range ballistic missiles.

In turn, Pezeshkian has repeatedly denied the transfer. Today, the Iranian president also stated that his country supposedly "never approved of Russia's aggression against Ukraine."