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Elements of weapons reportedly flowing from China into Russia: Zelenskyy

Elements of weapons reportedly flowing from China into Russia: Zelenskyy Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Intelligence reports indicate that elements of weapons from China are entering the Russian market. However, details found in Russian arms also originate from other countries, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a media briefing at the Shangri-La Dialogue conference in Singapore.

"Today, there are various signals from different intelligence sources, including Ukrainian, indicating that somehow, through some means, items are entering the Russian Federation market via China," the head of state said.

Zelenskyy added that Russian weaponry includes elements from other countries around the world. However, this does not imply that these countries are deliberately selling arms to Russia.

"There is a way out of this situation. We are sharing all the intelligence data with every country that we have. If we see that a product belongs to a specific state from any continent and if this product enters the Russian market, bypassing sanctions, we share this information with our partners so that they can stop such transit," the president stated.

China's stance on the war in Ukraine

The Chinese government maintains its neutral position regarding the conflict in Ukraine. Beijing is enhancing cooperation with Russia while asserting support for Ukraine's sovereignty.

China skipped the Ukraine Peace Summit scheduled for June 15-16 in Switzerland, insisting that representatives from Russia be invited.

Additionally, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that China is aiding Russia in disrupting the Peace Summit by pressuring leaders of other countries. Zelenskyy believes this effectively amounts to support for the war.