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Drones, ammo, and more: Germany delivers new military assistance to Ukraine

Drones, ammo, and more: Germany delivers new military assistance to Ukraine Germany has delivered a new package of weapons to Ukraine (Photo: facebook com ukroboronprom)
Author: Daria Shekina

Germany today, February 26, updated the list of military aid provided to Ukraine. Berlin has transferred a batch of artillery ammunition to Kyiv, according to the official page of the German government.

It is noted that Ukraine has received 14,000 units of 155mm artillery ammunition.

Included in the aid list are:

  • 4 WISENT 1 mine clearance vehicles;
  • 3 mobile remotely controlled and protected mine clearance systems;
  • Materials for explosive ordnance disposal;
  • 250 mine clearance kits;
  • 10 Vector reconnaissance UAVs with spare parts;
  • 22 drone detection and suppression systems;
  • 12 SatCom terminals;
  • 4 border patrol vehicles.

Planned future supplies to Ukraine include:

Germany also reported on plans for future deliveries. Ukraine is set to receive 20 sensor and drone jamming systems, as well as 10 additional armored recovery and evacuation vehicles, Bergepanzer 2.

Supplies are sourced from industrial stocks and financed by German funds for security enhancement. Some deliveries require modernization or are still in production. Training activities are also ongoing.

Zelenskyy's visit to Germany

As previously announced by the Office of the President, on February 16, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Germany and France for talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz signed a security cooperation agreement.

Zelenskyy added that the agreement signed today on security commitments between Ukraine and Germany was the most powerful document.