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Dozens of war veterans in Russia to become mayors and governors - ISW

Dozens of war veterans in Russia to become mayors and governors - ISW Photo: War veterans can hold positions in local authorities in Russia (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The Kremlin plans to appoint dozens of veterans of the Russia-Ukraine war to leadership positions by 2026, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

According to Russian sources, the Kremlin aims to significantly increase the number of war veterans in Ukraine holding leadership positions in Russian local and regional governments.

Sergey Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, promised Russian leader Vladimir Putin that at least 50 Russian veterans of the war in Ukraine would become mayors and governors.

The appointments are planned as part of the Time of Heroes veteran reintegration program by 2026.

Situation in Russia and the occupied territories of Ukraine

Moscow plans to transfer power in Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories to terrorists and murderers.

Russia is also likely preparing a provocation in the form of a terrorist attack at the Mazyr Oil Refinery in Belarus.

According to media reports, Putin demolished his residence in Sochi, likely due to the threat of drone attacks.