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Kremlin plans to transfer temporarily occupied territories under control of murderers and terrorists - NRC

Kremlin plans to transfer temporarily occupied territories under control of murderers and terrorists - NRC Russia wants to turn the occupied territories into a zone for terrorists (photo: Russian media)

The authorities of Russia have developed a strategy that involves transferring power in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the control of war criminals, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

It is reported that the Kremlin has developed a management strategy for the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine under the cynical title Time of Heroes. This plan involves transferring control of the administrative apparatus of the pseudo-entities LPR and DPR, as well as the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia, Kherson regions, and annexed Crimea, into the hands of war criminals.

Launched in the spring of this year, the Time of Heroes program aims to enhance the professional skills of fighters in the so-called Special Military Operation. Essentially, this program allows Russian President Vladimir Putin to integrate war criminals into leadership positions, granting them the ability to oversee both the occupied territories of Ukraine and key sectors within Russia. This not only solidifies Moscow's influence but also provides these criminals with opportunities to continue repression and violence in their new roles.

Furthermore, the National Resistance Center notes that the Kremlin is actively encouraging military personnel, who can no longer participate in the war due to health issues or other reasons, to become educators. In several regions of Russia, pedagogical higher education institutions have implemented retraining programs for citizens who participated in the war against Ukraine.

Situation in the occupied territories

Russian forces plan to appoint veterans of the Special Military Operation as lecturers at universities in the occupied territories.

Additionally, Russian forces have begun establishing a hub in Mariupol for the transportation of stolen Ukrainian property.

Moreover, the Russian authorities are actively militarizing children in schools in the occupied city of Melitopol.