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Fearing drones, Putin demolishes his Sochi residence – Media

Fearing drones, Putin demolishes his Sochi residence – Media Photo: Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian President Vladimir Putin has demolished his residence in Sochi, possibly due to concerns over frequent drone attacks, according to the investigation by the Proekt.

Journalists noted that Putin had not visited his Sochi residence for the past seven months, which had not occurred "for at least 10 years."

The reason is that a pit can be seen on the site of his residence. The building was demolished.

"After analyzing satellite images, we concluded that the demolition began in February 2024, and by March, the building had been leveled," the investigation's authors stated.

According to them, the Kremlin leader fears visiting the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region due to drone attacks. He reportedly began feeling a threat to his safety back in 2023 when the region was frequently attacked by Ukrainian drones.

Additionally, since 2023, the pilots of the planes Putin uses have been turning off transponders for most of their flights, making the aircraft untrackable.


Last year, Russian media revealed that Vladimir Putin had increasingly started using an armored train for his travels. One of the reasons for this decision is that a train is harder to track in real time compared to an airplane.

On May 30, a fire broke out at Putin's unofficial residence located in Altai.