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Denmark signs security agreement with Ukraine

Denmark signs security agreement with Ukraine Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Denmark signed an agreement with Ukraine to provide security assurances for 10 years, according to Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

"This is the most serious situation in security policy since the end of the Cold War. The Danish government cannot stress enough how important it is for Ukraine to obtain the military potential it needs. If we do not stand together, Ukraine will not stand, and then potentially neither will Europe," she said.

The agreement defines that Denmark will support Ukraine in military and other sectors for 10 years.

The security agreement is intended to support Ukraine's ability to defend itself against Russia and deter possible future attacks by the Russian Federation.

Security commitments for Ukraine

At the NATO Summit in Vilnius, G7 countries signed a declaration on security commitments for Ukraine, which was later joined by several other countries.

The agreement covers not only military assistance but also financial and economic support, as well as the reconstruction of Ukraine. The agreements also provide a guarantee of aid to Ukraine in the event of renewed aggression by the Russian Federation.

On January 12, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visited Kyiv for a working visit. He signed a historic security cooperation agreement with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It has already come into force and will be valid for 10 years.

During his visit to Europe, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed similar agreements with Germany and France. Negotiations are also currently underway with Canada, Italy, and other states.