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Demining coalition concept from Lithuania – Key components revealed

Demining coalition concept from Lithuania – Key components revealed Photo: Minister of National Defense of Lithuania Arvydas Anušauskas (Getty Images)

Minister of National Defense of Lithuania Arvydas Anušauskas unveiled the revised concept of the demining coalition, reports the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The concept presentation occurred during Arvydas Anušauskas's meeting with Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Yuriy Dzhyhyr in Vilnius.

The concept encompasses:

  • "humanitarian demining" of liberated occupied territories;
  • "combat demining" on the line of contact with the enemy.

"The mines and unexploded shells scattered by Russia across our lands pose not just a hindrance to a counteroffensive; they are a threat to our children and grandchildren. Mined territories suffer from these unseen killers for decades after wars conclude. Lithuania is at the forefront of the challenging battle against this insidious weapon. The expansion of the coalition's efforts into combat zones underscores our commitment to swiftly address pressing issues and find solutions," emphasized Dzhyhyr.

The Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania prioritizes this issue as the main assistance to Ukraine for 2024-2026.

"22 countries currently intend to join the anti-mine coalition led by Lithuania," adds the Ministry of Defense.

Aid to Ukraine from Lithuania

Lithuania, a staunch ally of Ukraine, provides various aid, for example:

Demining of Ukraine

Ukraine faces extensive demining challenges due to the Russian invasion, with analysts considering it one of the most mined countries globally.