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China pledges cooperation in investigating Balticconnector accident

China pledges cooperation in investigating Balticconnector accident Finnish PM Petteri Orpo (Getty Images)

China had promised to cooperate in the investigation of the damage to the Baltic gas pipeline and undersea internet cables between Finland and Estonia, the Balticconnector, claimed the Prime Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo.

“We are cooperating with China to find the role of the Chinese ship which was in this area at the same time the damage happened. They have promised to do good cooperation with us,” he said.

Opro also added that he is proud of how quickly the Finnish authorities have investigated the matter.

The Prime Minister also mentioned support for Ukraine, noting that it should continue.

On the issue of Israel and Gaza, the Finnish leader said “I really hope that it is not difficult today” and that Israel has the “right to self-defense, but there must also be… they must take care of human rights, and we have to make sure that humanitarian aid can go to the Gaza area.”

Balticconnector gas pipeline damage

The Balticconnector gas pipeline and telecommunications cable connecting Finland and Estonia in the Baltic Sea were damaged on the night of October 8. According to Estonian Navy Commander Jüri Saska, the pipeline, which was covered with concrete to protect it, looks like "someone tore it from the side."

Finland, which is conducting its own investigation into the incident, suggested that "some state" was behind the accident.

Additionally, the Finnish police, Russian and Chinese vessels were spotted near the Balticconnector before the accident.

According to the investigation, a large anchor, which may belong to the Chinese cargo ship Newnew Polar Bear passing through the area, was found near the damaged section of the pipeline. However, law enforcement officials are not sure whether this was a deliberate act.

At the same time, it has become known that the Russian ship Sevmorputin is no longer connected to the main focus of the investigation.

Also, the Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said that the possibility of sabotage cannot be ruled out. Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg promised a decisive response if the sabotage of the gas pipeline is confirmed.