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British intelligence reveals extensive destruction in Bakhmut

British intelligence reveals extensive destruction in Bakhmut Photo: British intelligence showed satellite images of the destroyed Bakhmut (Getty Images)

The city of Bakhmut in Donetsk region has been devastated by the Russian invasion. British intelligence has revealed the extent of the destruction on X.

The report notes that as a result of the Russian invasion, civilian facilities, including schools, have been damaged and destroyed.

"During the Russian offensive to capture Bakhmut, intense fighting and indiscriminate targeting of buildings resulted in extensive damage throughout the city. Schools, train stations, and residential buildings, as well as other civilian infrastructure, have been damaged or, in some cases, destroyed," the statement reads.

British intelligence has released satellite images showing severe damage, including to a stadium, school, and railway station in Bakhmut.

British intelligence reveals extensive destruction in Bakhmut

Photo: satellite images of the destroyed Bakhmut (

British intelligence reveals extensive destruction in Bakhmut

Photo: satellite images of the destroyed Bakhmut (

British intelligence reveals extensive destruction in Bakhmut

Photo: satellite images of the destroyed Bakhmut (

It should be noted that Bakhmut has been the epicenter of fighting since August 2022. By the spring of 2023, the city fell under Russian control. It is known that the city is 80% destroyed due to intense battles.

Frontline situation

Russian forces have continued their advance on the front over the past few months, focusing their efforts on the Pokrovsk direction.

Additionally, the Russians are attempting to break through the Ukrainian defenses in the northern Kharkiv region, the Lyman and Toretsk directions, as well as around the town of Chasiv Yar. Over the past 24 hours, more than 110 combat engagements have been recorded on the front.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Putin regime has lost over 590,000 soldiers since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.