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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 11: +1,220 troops and a helicopter

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 11: +1,220 troops and a helicopter Photo: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine updated data on Russian losses in Ukraine on August 11 (Getty Images)

By the morning of August 11, Ukrainian forces had eliminated another 1,220 occupiers within the past 24 hours. Additionally, the Armed Forces of Ukraine downed a helicopter, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat Russian losses from February 24, 2022, to August 11, 2024, are estimated to be:

  • personnel - about 590,920 (+1,220) troops;
  • tanks - 8447 (+6);
  • armored personnel vehicles - 16,363 (+13);
  • artillery systems - 16,663 (+58);
  • MLRS - 1143;
  • anti-air warfare systems - 916;
  • aircraft - 366;
  • helicopters - 328 (+1);
  • UAVs operational-tactical level - 13,399 (+27);
  • cruise missiles - 2,425;
  • warships/boats - 28;
  • submarines - 1;
  • vehicles and fuel tankers - 22,524 (+71);
  • special equipment - 2,800 (+11).

Situation on the front

As of the evening of August 10, there were 92 combat clashes on the front lines. The occupiers attempted to breach the Ukrainian Armed Forces' defenses 33 times.

Notably, analysts at the Institute for the Study of War suggest that Russian forces have likely captured the village of Nevelske, near Pokrovsk. The occupiers have also advanced near Kreminna, as well as in the Toretsk and Donetsk directions.