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Britain to send Ukraine AS90 self-propelled guns, some already delivered

Britain to send Ukraine AS90 self-propelled guns, some already delivered Photo: UK Defense Secretary John Healey (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United Kingdom will transfer a total of 16 AS90 self-propelled guns to Ukraine. Some of the self-propelled installations have already been delivered, according to the UK Ministry of Defense,

As reported by the Ministry, a total of 16 AS90 self-propelled guns are planned for delivery, with 10 already delivered and six more set to arrive in the coming weeks. The UK Ministry of Defense noted that artillery plays a vital role in providing cover for Ukrainian forces and destroying key Russian targets.

In addition, the UK and Ukraine will establish a joint unit within the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, led by Foreign Secretary David Lammy and Defense Secretary John Healey, which will consolidate expert potential and help implement a new whole-of-government approach towards Ukraine.

About the AS90 self-propelled gun

The AS90 (also known as AS90 Braveheart) is a self-propelled artillery system developed and manufactured in the United Kingdom. It was created by Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering (VSEL) in the 1980s and adopted by the British Army in 1993.

Key characteristics:

  • Caliber: 155 mm
  • Barrel length: 39 calibers (later versions are equipped with a 52-caliber barrel to increase firing range)
  • Weight: Approximately 45 tons
  • Firing range: Up to 24.7 km with standard ammunition and up to 30 km with special shells
  • Fire control system: Digital fire control system that allows for quick firing and rapid repositioning

The AS90 features modern armor that protects the crew from shrapnel and small arms fire. It is equipped with an automatic loading system that significantly enhances its rate of fire and is capable of using a variety of ammunition types, including cluster, armor-piercing, and others.

Since the onset of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the AS90 has been included in the list of weapons that have been or are proposed for transfer to Ukraine to defend against Russian aggression.

UK support for Ukraine

On July 7, the UK announced military assistance to Ukraine. The package included precision-guided Brimstone missiles, ammunition, and artillery guns.

Additionally, Ukraine and the UK signed an agreement to develop defense capabilities. This agreement involves the supply, repair, and production of weapons.

On September 11, UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy announced a new assistance package for Ukraine, valued at over $780 million.