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Britain gives Ukraine Martlet missiles for fight against Shaheds - Times

Britain gives Ukraine Martlet missiles for fight against Shaheds - Times Ukraine received Martlet missiles from Britain (Photo: Getty Images)

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have received Martlet missiles from Britain, which will help more effectively counter Russian drone attacks, informs The Times.

The agency states that the United Kingdom has provided Ukraine with some of its advanced weapons to combat Russian Shahed drones.

These are Martlet missiles. However, there is no official statement on this type of military aid supply yet.

About Martlet

It is a lightweight multi-role guided missile developed for the needs of the UK military by Thales Air Defense.

The Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom ordered 1000 missiles, with deliveries scheduled to start in 2013. However, the initial operational capability was acquired in 2021, and full operational capability is expected in 2024.

After entering service in the United Kingdom, the missile was named Martlet. It is designed to provide a unified family of weapons that can be used in various modes:

  • Maritime
  • Surface-to-surface
  • Air-launched
  • Ground-to-air

Missiles have already been used in Ukraine

In April of last year, a video was published showing the use of MANPADS against the Russian Orlan-10 drone. The media managed to identify Martlet missiles by the distinctive features of the transport-launch container of the anti-aircraft-guided missile.

Also, in June 2022, a Russian Ka-52 helicopter was successfully shot down with the help of Martlet.

Assistance from Britain

Earlier, British Defense Minister Grant Shapps said that London would provide more military assistance to Ukraine and unite allies to provide everything necessary for victory in the war.

Shapps also announced a new military aid package to Ukraine at the Ramstein meeting in early October. The package is estimated at $123 million.

In addition, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that in Britain, an authentic village has been transformed into a training ground for the Ukrainian military. This will allow me to gain experience in conducting combat operations in urban conditions.