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Britain announces global summit on food security in November

Britain announces global summit on food security in November Prime Minister of Britain, Rishi Sunak (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

In November, the United Kingdom will host a global summit on food security to support countries affected by the Russian grain blockade in the Black Sea region, according to the announcement of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, reported by Reuters.

"Sunak will say global leaders must make it clear that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative has increased Russia’s global isolation," Sunak’s office said.

The deal, made after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, allowed Ukraine, a major producer of food grains, to safely export grain through the Black Sea. However, the deal expired in July, leading to an increase in global food prices.

Who will be present at the summit

Sunnak's office announces that the food security summit will take place in London on November 20. It will include representatives from various governments, international organizations, and companies to address the causes of food insecurity and malnutrition.

"Grain deal"

In July, Russia announced its withdrawal from the "grain deal", which had allowed the safe export of food from the ports of Odesa for one year. In August, Ukraine declared the opening of temporary corridors in the Black Sea for cargo vessels.

On September 4, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Vladimir Putin in an attempt to restore the "grain deal," but the negotiations ended in failure.

Today, it has become known that Royal Air Force planes are protecting cargo ships transporting grain from Ukraine against Russia's attacks.