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Borrell urges West to increase aid to prevent Russia from plunging Ukraine into darkness

Borrell urges West to increase aid to prevent Russia from plunging Ukraine into darkness European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russia is attempting to disable Ukraine's energy infrastructure ahead of winter, aiming to plunge the country into darkness and cold. Western allies need to step up their provision of air defense systems for Ukraine, according to European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.

Since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, Ukraine's energy system has become a target, leading to power outages. These attacks have intensified in recent weeks as winter approaches.

Reuters cites data from the International Energy Agency published last Thursday, which indicates that Ukraine could face an electricity supply shortfall of up to 6 gigawatts this winter, about a third of the expected peak demand.

It's clear that Russia wants to put Ukraine into the dark and the cold. The winter is coming, and following Russia attacks against energy targets, Ukraine energy production capacity has been reduced by two-thirds,” Borrell told reporters at a press conference in New York.

He made this statement after EU foreign ministers and earlier G7 ministers held talks with Ukrainian officials, including Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, to discuss how to assist Ukraine in the coming weeks.

We have to support Ukraine not only providing military capacity, but electricity production capacity. Otherwise, this country will be facing a very hard time in winter,” Borrell noted.

Last week, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a loan of up to €35 billion for Ukraine, saying it is needed to protect the country from Russian attacks and to help it get through the winter.

“Both things have to be done at the same time. It doesn't make sense to provide with an electricity generator today if it has to be destroyed tomorrow,” Borrell emphasized.

He also reminded that Moscow continues to acquire new weapons, particularly from Iran, despite Tehran's repeated denials.

“Ukraine has to improve the military situation in order to go to the peace negotiations in a good way, in a position of strength. The Victory Plan is about how to conduct a war. The Peace Plan is about how to get peace,” Borrell added.

Situation with Ukraine's energy system

Ukraine's energy system continues to recover after nine massive Russian attacks, facing a power deficit while emergency and planned repairs are ongoing at energy facilities.

The situation remains complicated due to significant damage. Overall, Ukraine has lost 9 GW of generating capacity, while occupiers continue to shell the infrastructure.

In response, energy officials are urging Ukrainians to consume electricity sparingly, especially in the evening. They recommend shifting the use of heavy electrical appliances to daytime hours and avoiding the simultaneous use of multiple high-power devices between 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM.

Meanwhile, allies continue to support Ukraine's energy restoration efforts. Since the onset of the full-scale war, G7 countries and other partners have raised over $4 billion for these needs.