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Borrell urges new Iranian foreign minister to end ties with Russia

Borrell urges new Iranian foreign minister to end ties with Russia Photo: EU High Representative Josep Borrell (Getty Images)

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell spoke by phone with Iran’s new foreign minister Abbas Araqchi on August 23, according to Borrell’s post on X.

“Spoke to the new IR FM @aragchi about prospects for renewed engagement on all files of mutual interest, incl. the need for deescalation & restraint, halting military cooperation w/ RU against UA, & nuclear nonproliferation,” Borrell stated.

He also emphasized that a critical dialogue is necessary to ease regional tensions.

Iran-Russia cooperation

Recently, the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that Russia is expanding its cooperation with Iran to influence Western decision-making in favor of the aggressor country.

It is also known that Iran has increased the production of ballistic missiles and drones following an agreement with Russia.

Additionally, Reuters reported that Iran may soon supply Russia with short-range ballistic missiles, specifically the Fath 360, with hundreds of units expected.