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Russia expands cooperation with Iran to persuade West to stop aiding Ukraine - ISW

Russia expands cooperation with Iran to persuade West to stop aiding Ukraine - ISW Flag of Russia (photo: Getty Images)

Russia is expanding its cooperation with Iran to influence the West into making decisions that favor the Kremlin, reports the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Russia is relying on military partnership as it seeks to sway the West into halting further military aid to Ukraine.

According to analysts, Russia is helping Iran strengthen its air defense against Israeli attacks by supplying advanced radars and air defense systems, as reported by The New York Times (NYT).

At the same time, Russia's decision to provide Iran with these radars and air defense systems, which could significantly benefit Russian forces on the front line if deployed in Ukraine, underscores Russia's reliance on Iran for other critical weaponry, including precision-guided munitions and components necessary for the Kremlin.

Analysts also noted that Russian officials continue to coordinate and collaborate militarily with Iran in response to Israeli actions, reflecting concerns about Russian interests in the region.

According to Reuters, Russian President Vladimir Putin communicated through Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Sergei Shoigu, that Iran should act with restraint and avoid attacks on civilians in retaliation.

An unnamed Iranian diplomat told IranWire that Russia opposes Iranian strikes that could lead to civilian casualties, due to the large number of Russian citizens residing in Israel.

As of the start of August 6, there have been 107 combat engagements on the front. The enemy was most active in the Pokrovsk direction, but Ukrainian forces managed to repel 25 attacks. By the evening, at 22:00, six battles were still ongoing.