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Body of child found in Odesa rubble

Body of child found in Odesa rubble Photo: in Odesa, the body of another dead person was recovered from the rubble (

The death toll from the overnight attack by Russian terrorists in Odesa has risen to three. Rescuers have discovered the body of a child, reports the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration (ORMA), Oleh Kiper.

"The death toll from the Russian attack on Odesa has increased to three people. Just now, rescuers have uncovered a body from the rubble," Kiper wrote.

According to the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, the search and rescue operation is ongoing.

Body of child found in Odesa rubble

Photo: in Odesa, the body of another dead person was recovered from the rubble (

Body of child found in Odesa rubble

Photo: in Odesa, the body of another dead person was recovered from the rubble (

Body of child found in Odesa rubble

Photo: in Odesa, the body of another dead person was recovered from the rubble (

According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU), the body of a deceased child was found under the rubble on the first floor.

According to the Odessa City Council, the child was three months old at the time of death. However, the Office of the Prosecutor General claims that the child was between 3 and 5 years old.

As of 11:08, the following is known:

  • 3 fatalities;
  • 8 injured;
  • 5 rescued, including one child.

Attack on Odessa

After 1 night in the Odessa region, explosions were heard. The Regional Military Administration and Odesa City Hall reported a drone strike on a high-rise building. Initially, there was information about one fatality and seven injuries. In the morning, rescuers retrieved the body of another deceased person from the rubble.

After 08:30, ORMA head Oleh Kiper reported that rescuers managed to extricate a man from the debris. The injured person is currently being examined by doctors.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, for his part, emphasized the importance of strengthening Ukraine's air defense.