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Blinken may announce approval for Ukrainian ATACMS strikes on Russia during Kyiv visit - Congressman

Blinken may announce approval for Ukrainian ATACMS strikes on Russia during Kyiv visit - Congressman Photo: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to visit Ukraine soon. During his visit, he is likely to announce approval for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike Russia with long-range weapons, according to Axios reporter Juliegrace Brufke.

She quoted House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul, who mentioned that he had spoken with Blinken.

“I talked to Blinken two days ago, and he is traveling with his counterpart from the UK to Kyiv to basically tell them that they will allow them (to hit Russia with ATACMS,” McCall said in an interview with Brafke.


Today, it was announced that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy will undertake a joint visit to Ukraine.

Blinken revealed that President Joe Biden will meet with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday, September 13. One of the topics of their meeting will be the approval for Ukrainian forces to conduct strikes deep into Russia.

The UK, France, and the US are supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles under the condition that they are not used for strikes on Russian territory. President Zelenskyy has called for lifting these restrictions to allow attacks on Russian airfields, but allies have so far refused, preventing Ukraine from destroying the carriers of guided bombs that attack civilian cities.

John Kirby noted that the US continues to hold private negotiations with Ukraine on this issue.

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin reported that Russia has moved its tactical aviation beyond the range of ATACMS missiles.

Previously, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had also expressed concerns about potential strikes on targets in Moscow, explaining this as the reason for Berlin's decision not to supply Ukraine with Taurus long-range missiles.