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Attempt on Trump: FBI wants to question former US President

Attempt on Trump: FBI wants to question former US President Photo: Donald Trump, former President of the United States (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Former US President Donald Trump is to be summoned for questioning by the FBI regarding an assassination attempt on him during a rally in Pennsylvania, according to CNN.

According to the agency, the FBI wants to interview the former President to obtain a victim statement. This is a standard part of the investigation.

In its statement, the FBI noted that investigators are continuing to examine bullet fragments and other evidence from the shooting at Trump during his rally in Pennsylvania this month. The Bureau has always viewed the shooting as an attempt to assassinate the former President.

What preceded it

On July 25, FBI Director Christopher Wray, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, noted that questions remain about whether Trump was hit by a bullet during the shooting. Wray suggested that the former President might have been grazed by a fragment.

In response to these speculations, Donald Trump stated that he "took a bullet for democracy."

Trump's spokesperson, Steven Cheung, reacted more harshly, saying, “Anyone who believes this conspiracy bullshit is either mentally deficient or willfully peddling falsehoods for political reasons," in a comment to CNN.

For more details about the assassination attempt on the former US President at the campaign rally, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.