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Arrow 3 and Patriot compared. Expert names key differences in air defense systems

Arrow 3 and Patriot compared. Expert names key differences in air defense systems Expert outlined key differences between Patriot and Israeli Arrow 3 air defense systems (

The Patriot anti-aircraft missile system differs from the Arrow 3 missile defense system not only in target interception altitude, according to aviation and missile defense expert Valeriy Romanenko, as stated in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

The Arrow 3 missile defense system is Israel's superweapon, characterized by its interception capabilities, said Romanenko. The upper interception limit is more than 100 kilometers, whereas the Patriot system can reach a maximum of 30 kilometers above the ground.

"If you have Arrow 3, you can cover an area within a 100 km radius around its positions. The same goes for the Patriot, which has a coverage of only about 20-25 km. It's better to choose the former, even though it's more expensive, but it's more modern and requires fewer personnel to maintain. Compared to the Patriot, which requires a staff of 80-90 people," Romanenko noted.

He also emphasized the significant price difference between the two systems, with Arrow 3 being "much more expensive than Patriot."

Arrow 3 System

On October 31, it became known that Israel used the Arrow 3 missile defense system for the first time to intercept a ballistic missile. The missile was launched from the territory of Yemen.

For more details on Arrow 3 and whether Ukraine can acquire it, you can find information in the RBC-Ukraine material.