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After winning debate with Trump, Harris wants another round in October

After winning debate with Trump, Harris wants another round in October Kamala Harris (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Kamala Harris, the US presidential candidate, is seeking a second round of debates with Donald Trump after her victory in the first debate. The second round is expected to take place in October, according to The Washington Post.

After the debates, Harris’ team announced their desire to hold a second round of debates with the Republican candidate before the November election. According to informed sources, the decision to request a rematch was made before the two candidates met on Tuesday.

"That’s what they (American people - ed.) saw tonight and what they should see at a second debate in October. Vice President Harris is ready for a second debate. Is Donald Trump?," said Jen O'Malley Dillon, Harris' campaign chair.

Earlier, Republican candidate Donald Trump had called for three rounds of debates. The first took place at the end of June (with current US President Joe Biden representing the Democrats), and the second round took place on Tuesday, September 10.

The Washington Post notes that it’s unclear whether Trump will agree to a second round with Harris.

“We’ll look at it, but they want a second debate because they lost,” Trump told reporters after the debate.

Trump-Harris debate

Earlier tonight, the second round of presidential debates took place in the US ahead of the November election. This was the first debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris.

According to a preliminary poll, 63% of respondents believe Harris won the debate, while 37% favored Trump.

During the debate, both candidates mentioned Ukraine. Trump dodged a question on whether he supported a Ukrainian victory, while Harris accused him of pandering to the Russian dictator.

For more details on the debate and the key statements from the US presidential candidates, see the full article by RBC-Ukraine.