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Trump and Harris hold their first debate: Key statements

Trump and Harris hold their first debate: Key statements Kamala Harris and Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

The first presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump took place in the US. The former president and current US vice president discussed a wide range of domestic issues, but foreign policy, including Ukraine, was also on the agenda.

Here are the key statements from the US presidential candidates during the debate.

The debate, which was scheduled to last 90 minutes, ran slightly over time, partly due to Trump’s lengthy responses. According to CNN's calculations, the former president spoke for a total of 43 minutes, while his opponent spoke for 37.5 minutes.

Domestic issues, such as the economy, immigration, abortion bans, the protection of democracy, the peaceful transfer of power, and healthcare, received significantly more attention during the debate than foreign policy topics. However, the war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the conflict between Israel and Hamas, were also addressed.

Russia-Ukraine war

Although the issue of Russian aggression against Ukraine came up only after an hour into the debate, the discussion was highly emotional.

Trump reiterated his claim that Russia would not have attacked Ukraine if he were president but dodged the moderator's question about whether he wanted Kyiv to win the war.

"I want the war to stop, I want to save lives. People are being killed by the millions. It's the millions. It's so much worse than the numbers that you're getting, which are fake numbers," the former US president said.

When asked by the moderator to reveal his peace plan, Trump did not provide details, saying only that he would call the leaders of Ukraine and Russia, and according to him, the war would end shortly after.

In response, Harris accused Trump of cozying up to dictators, adding that he would surrender in 24 hours, allowing Putin to sit in Kyiv and then look toward the rest of Europe.

"And what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator, who would eat you for lunch?" the vice president remarked.

Трамп та Гарріс провели перші дебати: головні заяви

Trump and Harris mention Ukraine during the debate (photo: Getty Images)

Israel-Hamas conflict

When discussing the conflict that erupted last October between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza, Trump repeated his usual claim that the war would not have started if he had been president. He added that Israel should finish what it started, and end it quickly and that the US should let Israel finish the job.

Harris, on the other hand, reiterated the Biden administration's stance of ironclad support and unwavering commitment to Israel, emphasizing the country's right to defend itself. However, she also stressed the importance of how that defense is conducted, referencing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the civilian casualties from the fighting.

"What we know is that this war must end. It must end immediately. And the way it will end is we need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work around the clock on that. Work around the clock, also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution," she said, adding that she supports resolving the conflict based on the two-state solution principle.

Trump and Orban

During the debate, Harris criticized Trump, claiming that many world leaders laugh at him and that some military officials referred to the former president as a disgrace.

In response, Trump recalled how Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whom current President Joe Biden has called a dictator, praised him. Trump claimed that Orbán said Russia and China would fear him if he won the election.

"Let me just say about world leaders, Viktor Orbán, one of the most respected men. He said, "Because you need Trump back as president. They were afraid of him"," Trump added.

Трамп та Гарріс провели перші дебати: головні заяви

Trump praised Orban during the debate (photo: Getty Images)

2020 elections and the peaceful transfer of power

Trump continues to refuse to acknowledge his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, which was won by Joe Biden and has rejected all previous statements that might suggest otherwise.

"No, I don't acknowledge that at all. I said that sarcastically. You know that," he explained, adding that there is so much evidence that he won, not Biden.

Additionally, Trump has denied any responsibility for the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which occurred following his claims of a stolen election and his call to march on Congress. Trump stated that security should have been the responsibility of then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

In response to these past events, Harris called for turning the page and not going back.

"Let's turn the page on this. Let's not go back. Let's chart a course for the future and not go backward to the past," she emphasized.

Трамп та Гарріс провели перші дебати: головні заяви

Harris reminded Trump of the failure of the border issue in the US Congress (photo: Getty Images)

Migration issue

Regarding immigration, Trump criticized the Biden-Harris administration, alleging that tens of millions of migrants have entered the US during their tenure. He also referenced a fabricated social media claim that migrants from Haiti in Springfield are kidnapping pets to eat them.

Overall, Trump's discussion on immigration was marked by falsehoods and manipulations. Harris reminded him of the congressional efforts when Democrats and Republicans worked on a compromise bill to strengthen control at the US-Mexico border, which was ultimately thwarted by a group of Trumpists.

The debate over immigration and border issues has also delayed congressional approval for continued military aid to Ukraine. For six months, American lawmakers were stuck until they managed to separate the border issue from aid to Ukraine and Israel.

For more on the significance of these debates between Trump and Harris and their potential impact on their ratings, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.