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Life in Ukraine

6 foods to eat to smooth wrinkles
July 09, 2024 - 00:11 6 foods to eat to smooth wrinkles
Tarot horoscope for July 9: Geminis will receive bonus, and Aries will get good news
July 08, 2024 - 23:12 Tarot horoscope for July 9: Geminis will receive bonus, and Aries will get good news
Four zodiac signs to receive important signal from universe
July 08, 2024 - 21:32 Four zodiac signs to receive important signal from universe
Dentist identifies mistakes people make when using mouthwash
July 08, 2024 - 19:48 Dentist identifies mistakes people make when using mouthwash
6 best post-workout habits to restore muscle and energy
July 08, 2024 - 14:23 6 best post-workout habits to restore muscle and energy
Vitamin deficiency that causes mental problems: Nutritionist's comment
July 08, 2024 - 11:08 Vitamin deficiency that causes mental problems: Nutritionist's comment
This summer's most stylish jeans: 5 pairs that make your look trendy
July 08, 2024 - 06:45 This summer's most stylish jeans: 5 pairs that make your look trendy
Child inherits intelligence from mother, scientists say
July 08, 2024 - 05:23 Child inherits intelligence from mother, scientists say
Black cat - bad luck or warning? Here's what you need to know
July 08, 2024 - 04:34 Black cat - bad luck or warning? Here's what you need to know
Top 5 short-tempered zodiac signs: Are you on the list?
July 08, 2024 - 03:13 Top 5 short-tempered zodiac signs: Are you on the list?
These foods will make your skin healthy and glowing
July 08, 2024 - 02:10 These foods will make your skin healthy and glowing
Why you should eat broccoli: Nutritionist highlights a key point
July 07, 2024 - 05:17 Why you should eat broccoli: Nutritionist highlights a key point
Facial skin problem that may arise in women during pregnancy - Doctor's advice
July 07, 2024 - 04:10 Facial skin problem that may arise in women during pregnancy - Doctor's advice
Romantic movie picks for International Kissing Day
July 07, 2024 - 03:13 Romantic movie picks for International Kissing Day
Chinese scientists develop robot with lab-grown brain
July 07, 2024 - 02:12 Chinese scientists develop robot with lab-grown brain
Red-level magnetic storm to hit Earth: How to protect your health
July 07, 2024 - 01:07 Red-level magnetic storm to hit Earth: How to protect your health
Delicious and healthy meal: Baked oatmeal with bananas and strawberries
July 06, 2024 - 19:06 Delicious and healthy meal: Baked oatmeal with bananas and strawberries
Most compatible zodiac couples: Matches made in heaven
July 06, 2024 - 12:20 Most compatible zodiac couples: Matches made in heaven
Karmic success to free these three zodiac signs from all their problems
July 06, 2024 - 07:10 Karmic success to free these three zodiac signs from all their problems
These four zodiac signs to receive special surprise - Fantastic weekends await them
July 06, 2024 - 03:30 These four zodiac signs to receive special surprise - Fantastic weekends await them
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