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West may allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russia, but with delay - MP

West may allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russia, but with delay - MP Photo: Yehor Cherniev, Member of Parliament from the Servant of the People faction, Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence (

During the Ramstein group meeting, the West may lift restrictions on Ukraine's strikes deep into Russia. However, this decision may also be delayed, states Member of Parliament from the Sluha Narodu (Servant of the People) faction, Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Yehor Cherniev in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

According to Cherniev, during the upcoming meeting of the Ramstein group, it makes sense to expect a decision on lifting the aforementioned restrictions. At the same time, it is also possible that the "announcements" may take place on Russian territory.

"I assume that a decision may be made there (at Ramstein - ed.), but not announced, so as not to, for example, prepare Russia for any changes on the battlefield," he explained.

Another scenario is that decisions could be made, but the announcement might be delayed until after the US presidential elections.

"That could also happen. So we'll see, but I hope the decisions will still be made. The main thing is that they are made. Announcements can come later," he added.

Strikes deep into Russia

One of the key issues regarding US assistance to Ukraine is the approval for strikes deep into Russia using transferred weaponry.

Ukrainian officials have repeatedly asked the US to allow such attacks, as this would enable the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to target airfields and other strategic facilities on the territory of the terrorist state.

It was anticipated that the US would announce the lifting of restrictions on Ukrainian forces regarding attacks on military targets in Russia after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit, but this did not happen.

According to presidential spokesperson Serhii Nykyforov, the Russians will be the first to learn about the lifting of restrictions on strikes.