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Zelenskyy's office makes announcement on authorization for strikes deep into Russia

Zelenskyy's office makes announcement on authorization for strikes deep into Russia Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Serhii Nykyforov (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has discussed the authorization for strikes deep into Russia with all partners. One thing is certain: the Russians will be the first to see the effects of the authorization, announces the press secretary of the President of Ukraine, Serhii Nykyforov.

“The Russians will be the first to notice the permission to strike deep into Russia. And then an official announcement will be made. I have no final decision for you right now,” the spokesperson said.

He pointed out that the president had held talks with all the parties on whom this decision depends. These are Italy, France, Britain, and the United States.

“Although there is no clear permission now, there is this huge pressure on the partners from Ukraine. We hope that the partners will give in,” Nykyforov emphasized.

Strikes deep into Russia

Although Ukraine uses the weapons of its partners to defend itself against the Russian military, Kyiv has no right to use them to strike deep into Russia.

However, this year the Ukrainian president and government have begun to actively address this issue.

This issue was also discussed during the president's trip to the United States.

Read more about Zelenskyy's visit to the United States and its results in RBC-Ukraine's article.