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Russia controls less than 40%. Ukrainian Armed Forces clarify situation in Chasiv Yar

Russia controls less than 40%. Ukrainian Armed Forces clarify situation in Chasiv Yar Photo: Ukrainian armed forces discuss the situation in Chasiv Yar (Getty Images)

Russian troops do not control 40% of the city of Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region. The Russian forces have only captured the part located up to the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal, states Andrii Polukhin, a representative of the press service of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

The brigade representative clarified his previous statement during the national telethon, which suggested that Russia supposedly controls 40% of the city. In a comment to RBC-Ukraine, he explained that it was a mistake.

“There has been no enemy advance in the last few months after capturing the neighborhood before the canal,” Polukhin noted.

Fighting for Chasiv Yar

The Russian army targeted Chasiv Yar following the capture of Bakhmut after many months of intense fighting. Currently, Russian troops have managed to capture the Kanal neighborhood, which had previously been almost completely destroyed.

The Russian forces are also destroying other parts of the city. In August, National Guard fighters showed what Chasiv Yar looks like after Russian bombings and artillery strikes.

The Russian army suffers significant losses in the battles for Chasiv Yar. For example, in early July, Ukrainian military sources reported that over the course of three months of fighting, Russia had lost about 5,000 soldiers.