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Ukrainian military shows what Chasiv Yar looks like after Russian bombardment

Ukrainian military shows what Chasiv Yar looks like after Russian bombardment Archive photo: Russian army destroys Chasiv Yar in Donetsk region (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian soldiers from the 18th Brigade of the National Guard showed what Chasiv Yar looks like. This town in the Donetsk region has been the site of fierce battles with the Russian occupiers for a long time.

"This is what Chasiv Yar, a town near Sloviansk, looks like today. The city, which has been destroyed by Russians for a year after the great defense of Bakhmut," they say.

The National Guard emphasizes that every building in the destroyed town, which the Ukrainian military affectionately calls Chasik, is proof of Russia's inhuman nature.

"Every window is someone's ruined life," the National Guard adds.

Battles for Chasiv Yar

After the occupation of Bakhmut in May last year, the Russian army continued to move towards Chasiv Yar. All this time, Chasiv Yar has suffered and continues to suffer from enemy shelling. This year, the Russians have approached the outskirts of the town, and fierce fighting is currently taking place there.

In early July, the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that over the three months of fighting, the Russians had lost about 5,000 soldiers in the Chasiv Yar area.