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Ukrainian Armed Forces' officer details situation in Chasiv Yar

Ukrainian Armed Forces' officer details situation in Chasiv Yar Photo: The Ukrainian Armed Forces do not record the threat of encirclement of Chasiv Yar (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian military does not record a threat of encirclement of the town of Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region. The Russians are trying to advance on the flanks in this area, according to Oleh Kalashnikov, an officer of the 26th Artillery Brigade named after Roman Dashkevich of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“No, there is no threat of encirclement today, there is no threat of encirclement. If you look at the situation, Russia is not able to realize the intentions that it had at first and continues to implement,” the officer says.

According to him, the Russian occupants are trying to advance on the flanks towards the city. The Russian invaders are avoiding a direct assault on the city, as it could lead to heavy losses.

The military records that the Russian occupiers conduct attacks in small groups of up to eight people after intensive artillery training. The Russian army also uses drones with drops. At the same time, the Russian troops do not use armored vehicles.

“The situation is under control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces because we manage to repel the Russian assaults,” he adds.

Ukrainian Armed Forces' officer details situation in Chasiv Yarscreenshot by

Situation at front

Russian occupation forces have intensified attacks on the frontline in recent months. The Pokrovsk direction (formerly Avdiivka direction) remains the most difficult area of the front.

In addition, the Russian occupiers are trying to capture the town of Chasiv Yar, which will open the way for the enemy to enter the Kramatorsk agglomeration.

The situation in the Toretsk sector has also escalated in recent days. RBC-Ukraine asked an expert about the fighting near the village of New York. Read more in our article.