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Zelenskyy's visit to US extends by one more day - Voice of America

Zelenskyy's visit to US extends by one more day - Voice of America Presidents of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the US, Joe Biden (photo:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the US has been extended by one more day, according to Voice of America correspondent Ostap Yarysh.

The journalist reported that there is currently no confirmation regarding potential meetings with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Zelenskyy's visit to the US

On Sunday, September 22, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy began his official visit to the US.

During his visit, the head of state held a series of meetings with world leaders and American politicians, as well as addressing the UN General Assembly and a meeting of the UN Security Council.

In his meeting with US President Joe Biden, Zelenskyy presented a plan for Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia. It is expected that the plan's outcomes will yield practical results by December this year.

The US has provided Ukraine with military assistance totaling nearly $8 billion. The package includes an additional Patriot air defense battery, interceptors, drones, long-range missiles, air-to-ground munitions, and other equipment.

Criticism from Donald Trump

Meanwhile, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has sharply criticized President Zelenskyy for his reluctance to resolve the war with Russia through peaceful means.

In Congress, an investigation has begun regarding the Ukrainian leader's visit to an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania, labeling the event as interference in US elections.

The Ukrainian delegation has stated that a meeting between Zelenskyy and Trump is not planned.

For more details on how Trump is leveraging President Zelenskyy's visit to the US in his electoral campaign, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.