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Zelenskyy's office reacts to events in Kursk region for first time

Zelenskyy's office reacts to events in Kursk region for first time Photo: Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak (Getty Images)

The events in the Kursk region provide an opportunity to see how ordinary Russians relate to the current authorities in Russia. Specifically, it shows that Russians have a strong conscious connection with the authorities, according to a statement from Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

"The events in the Kursk or Belgorod regions allow us to conduct a certain laboratory experiment. While the repressive machine of the Russian Federation burns in the bushes, liberated Russians can come out with flowers to greet the anti-Putin tanks. 'Finally, freedom!' We will wait for such scenes. Although, it is already clear that this is impossible," said the advisor.

Podolyak noted that the lack of an adequate reaction to the counterwar only confirmed the idea of a strong conscious connection between Russians and their authorities.

"To paraphrase: 'We endlessly curse Putin, and rightly so. Yet I want to ask: who then signed a million contracts with the Russian Armed Forces and who commits thousands of specific crimes?'" he remarked.

It should be noted that this is the first comment from a representative of the Office of the President of Ukraine regarding the events in the Kursk region.

Fighting in the Kursk region

Since yesterday, Russians have started complaining about the fighting in the Kursk region. Moreover, the Russian forces even claim that Ukrainian forces have allegedly occupied several settlements in the region.

Specifically, the Russian army is complaining about "attempts by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to break through" in the Sudzha area.

In its report, RBC-Ukraine has gathered all the information about what is happening in Sudzha today and how the Russians are reacting to it.

It should be noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to the so-called border breakthrough in the Kursk region only today. As expected, the Russian President accused Ukraine and claimed it was a provocation.

We also reported on an expert's opinion regarding whether the war could spill over into Russian territory.