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Zelenskyy outlines what is restraining Putin from nuclear strike on Ukraine

Zelenskyy outlines what is restraining Putin from nuclear strike on Ukraine Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin does not dare to launch a nuclear strike on Ukraine because he fears losing power, money, and, most importantly, societal support, stared Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a meeting with lyceum school students, cadets, and teachers of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

"When it comes to Russia's threats of nuclear catastrophe or nuclear strikes, these are sick-minded individuals, that's a fact. So, to say definitively whether they are capable or incapable of this is impossible. Because with sick-minded individuals, it's difficult to say until the end," noted Zelensky.

In his opinion, "despite this illness, these individuals cherish life very much, love themselves, are very afraid of losing power and money, and most importantly, losing societal support."

"All this, what I've listed: life, power, society, and the 'red line' that nuclear weapons cross with the whole world, this is a fact. Even those countries that balance between us and Russia and cannot decide, even these countries will turn away from Russia after a nuclear strike of any scale on any territory," the president said.

Zelenskyy believes that people who are afraid of losing money, power, and their lives will never use nuclear weapons.

"Otherwise, they will be eliminated. No matter how. They will all be eliminated, in my opinion," added the head of state.

Threats from the RF regarding the use of nuclear weapons

In February, the Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly. During his speech, he declared "full readiness" of nuclear forces and grimly hinted at the consequences of NATO military involvement in Ukraine.

Following this, the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, pointed out that the dictator's aggressive rhetoric, including his decisions and "announcements," should be taken seriously. In his opinion, the European Union must be prepared for worst-case scenarios.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that representatives of the Russian Federation have been constantly threatening with nuclear weapons for the past two years, but it is a psychological intimidation rather than real intentions.

American General Ben Hodges believes that Russia's threats regarding the use of nuclear weapons are unlikely to signify a genuine willingness to use them. However, it cannot be said that the chances of this happening are zero.

In early March, the Institute for the Study of War reported that the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine or any other country is unlikely. They noted that Putin is merely "traditionally brandishing the nuclear saber."