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Zelenskyy about explosions on Russian territory: Gives a sense of justice

Zelenskyy about explosions on Russian territory: Gives a sense of justice President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

News about explosion incidents on the territory of Russia appears daily. This gives Ukrainians a sense of justice, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Every day there is news about another 'bavovna' ('cotton', referred to unexplained blasts in Russia, often caused by Ukrainian military) somewhere on the aggressor's territory. Different incidents. Sometimes they are very loud, sometimes less," he says.

According to the President, all these incidents give a little more of a sense of justice. Because the war with its consequences is coming back - it's returning to the aggressor.

"And when the cotton branches stand here in Kyiv, in Crimean Tatar cafes, it symbolizes exactly the satisfaction from the sense of justice," Zelensky added.

Explosions and other events in the Russian territory

On the night of August 30, Ukraine launched drone attacks on six regions of Russia simultaneously. One of the targets was the airport in Pskov, where, according to Defense Intelligence, four Il-76 aircraft were destroyed. Several other planes were damaged.

There was recently a loud incident in Kursk at night. Local residents also reportedly heard automatic gunfire. Sources from RBC-Ukraine in the Security Service of Ukraine said that the explosions were caused by an attack on a military airfield.

One of the largest attacks on Moscow occurred on the night of July 30. Drones hit the elite complex Moscow City. The so-called "ministerial tower" was damaged. Offices of three Russian ministries - the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Ministry of Communications - are located there.