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Zelenskyy: Invitation to NATO is part of peace plan

Zelenskyy: Invitation to NATO is part of peace plan Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

The victory plan is aimed at strengthening Ukraine, with one of its key points being Ukraine's accession to NATO and future membership, according to the speech of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Ukraine - Southeast Europe summit.

"What concerns NATO as a whole — yes, there is such a point in the victory plan. As I said, the plan is designed to strengthen Ukraine. There should be no skepticism from partners, in my opinion, unless they fear Russia. We want to take the first step — an invitation. An invitation from the Alliance is not membership in NATO. Yes, it’s better to be a NATO member, no doubt," stated Zelenskyy.

At the same time, the president emphasized the importance of strengthening Ukraine’s positions now.

"Not after the war, not in 10 years, not in 30 years — now. This strengthening gives us the ability to be strong in this political direction during future negotiations," the head of state stressed.

He also noted that skeptical countries may remain doubtful about Ukraine’s NATO membership during the war.

"We understand them, which is why we talk about an invitation. If countries are against it now, they will be against it later. So we don’t want their diplomatic assessment, but a real answer. If they want this war to end, then they will support our proposals. The invitation is part of these proposals," concluded the president.

Ukraine's NATO accession

Ukraine had hoped to receive an official invitation to join the Alliance at the NATO summit in Washington, which took place in July this year, but this did not happen.

Earlier today, Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine's invitation to NATO and future membership would be real steps towards peace.