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Zelenskyy: If partners want Ukraine to win, all restrictions must be lifted

Zelenskyy: If partners want Ukraine to win, all restrictions must be lifted Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine's partners must lift all restrictions if they really want Ukraine to win, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a press conference with Jens Stoltenberg.

"If we want to win, if we want to prevail, if we want to save our country and to defend it, we need to lift all the limitations. I spoke about it with partners. And I will raise up this topic with very concrete facts (to support this decision - ed.)," the President explained.

He noted that the Ukrainian party knows the location of Russian military bases from which strikes are launched against Ukraine.

"We understand where they (Russian army - ed.) stay, we understand from what military bases they attack us. And if they attacked us and killed our children in the hospital, that is a crazy question, why we can't answer and attack this military base from which this guided bomb or missile came. So, for me, that's not a rhetoric. For me, that's a real plan," said Zelenskyy.

He noted that Ukraine has received very positive messages from the British leadership.

"I hope we will make such decisions. If we really want to have Ukraine on the map, and not to have Putin, who has attacked half of the planet, we need to take very concrete steps. Quick. Very quick steps," emphasized the President.

After this year's massive attacks on Ukrainian energy and civilian facilities, Kyiv began to actively cooperate with its partners to obtain permission to use Western weapons to strike at Russian territory, namely at military facilities and enemy positions.

In early July, it became known that government officials in the United States and the West insist that the White House lift all restrictions on the use of American weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Russia.

Yesterday, Britain authorized the use of Storm Shadow missiles to strike military targets in Russia.