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Zelenskyy discusses situation in Middle East region with Israeli Prime Minister

Zelenskyy discusses situation in Middle East region with Israeli Prime Minister Archive photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (

On Wednesday, August 28, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the Facebook page of the Ukrainian President's spokesperson, Serhii Nykyforov.

According to him, Zelenskyy and Netanyahu discussed the situation in the Middle East region.

The Israeli Prime Minister expressed support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In turn, Zelenskyy thanked Israel for its participation in the inaugural Peace Summit and support for the final communiqué.

The parties also agreed on further contacts.

Situation in the Middle East

The new military conflict between Israel and Hamas began on October 7, 2023, with militants invading Israeli territory, resulting in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people and the capture of over 200 hostages.

The situation further escalated in July this year after a rocket attack by Hezbollah terrorists on the Golan Heights in Israel.

In response, the Israeli army eliminated a high-ranking Hamas commander in the suburbs of Beirut.

Later, Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran.

Following these events, there has been global concern about the potential for a full-scale war in the Middle East.

Recently, Politico reported that a peace agreement to halt hostilities in the Gaza Strip is on the brink of collapse.

At the same time, according to Reuters, both Hamas and Israel are not seeking further escalation of the conflict.