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ZALA and more: Air defense in south shoots down 5 enemy UAVs throughout day

ZALA and more: Air defense in south shoots down 5 enemy UAVs throughout day Illustrative image (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

On August 2, throughout the day, air defense shot down 5 enemy reconnaissance drones in southern Ukraine, according to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During the defense, the following were destroyed:

- 3 ZALA-type drones;

- 2 Supercam drones.

ZALA й не тільки. ППО на півдні протягом доби збила 5 ворожих безпілотників

Photo: Air defense in the south shot down 5 enemy drones throughout the day (

ZALA and Supercam

ZALA is a series of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) developed by the Russian company ZALA Aeronika. These drones are used for reconnaissance, surveillance, and fire adjustment. ZALA models include both small drones suited for complex urban environments and larger devices with extended capabilities.

Supercam, like ZALA, is actively used by Russia for various purposes, including surveillance and reconnaissance.