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Yemeni Houthi rebels attack oil tankers in Red Sea

Yemeni Houthi rebels attack oil tankers in Red Sea Houthi rebels shelled two oil tankers in the Red Sea (photo: Getty Images)

On Monday, September 2, Houthi rebels targeted two oil tankers in the Red Sea near the coast of Yemen, reports Reuters.

According to agency sources, the terrorists attacked two oil tankers: the Saudi-flagged Amjad and the Panama-flagged Blue Lagoon I. Both vessels are owned by Greece.

The ships were traveling close to each other when they were struck but managed to continue their voyage without serious damage or casualties.

The Houthis claimed responsibility for attacking the Blue Lagoon I with missiles and drones but did not mention the Saudi tanker.

One source indicated that the Amjad was unlikely to have been a direct target of the rebels.

According to the Joint Maritime Information Center, which monitors Houthi attacks, three ballistic missiles hit the Blue Lagoon I about 70 nautical miles northwest of the northern Yemeni port of Salif.

The Center suggested that the Blue Lagoon may have been targeted because other vessels in its fleet had recently docked at an Israeli port.

"All crew on board are safe. The vessel sustained minimal damage but does not require assistance," the Center's statement read.

Attacks by Yemeni Houthis

Since the onset of the conflict in the Gaza Strip in October 2023, Houthi factions in Yemen, with Iranian support, have begun targeting commercial and trading vessels passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea. This is part of their expression of solidarity with the Palestinian Hamas movement.

Since then, the militants have carried out over 70 attacks, sinking two ships, capturing another, and killing at least three sailors.

The US and EU coalition has deployed its fleet and military personnel to the region to assist Israel and other nations in combating the rebels' attacks.

Recently, the Houthis targeted the tanker Sounion in the Red Sea. The militants allowed rescuers to reach the vessel to prevent a catastrophic oil spill.

In August, US forces destroyed two Yemeni terrorist vessels.

At the end of July, American military forces also destroyed several Houthi installations in one of the regions of Yemen.