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Why Russia strikes training center in Poltava: Expert's opinion

Why Russia strikes training center in Poltava: Expert's opinion Photo: Aftermath of the strike on Poltava (Getty Images)

The aim of yesterday's enemy strike on Poltava on September 3 was to intensify negative sentiments among Ukrainians. Russia pays serious attention to military psychology and psychological terror, explains Oleksandr Musiienko, Head of the Сenter of Military Law Researches, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

According to Musiienko, the enemy viewed the training center in Poltava as a target whose strike would cause significant suffering and destruction. Specifically, the Russian forces were fully aware that a hospital and civilian buildings were located nearby.

At the same time, Russia pays serious attention to military psychology and psychological terror, which is why the enemy primarily conducts psychological warfare through these shellings.

"They see that we are actively discussing what will happen with Pokrovsk, the F-16 catastrophe here. And so they chose this moment to intensify terror against civilian objects to provoke negative sentiments and demoralize a society that refuses to be demoralized. But they can't believe that this could be the case. And that's why they continue to commit these horrific crimes," the expert added.

Strike on the training center in Poltava

Yesterday morning, September 3, Russia struck Poltava with a ballistic missile. As a result, a six-story training center building was partially destroyed, and three apartment buildings, five private houses, and an office space were damaged.

As of the morning of September 4, the number of fatalities in Poltava stands at 53 people. The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported 298 injured.

For more details on the Russian attack on Poltava, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.