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Why it is important for us to be able to accept criticism

Why it is important for us to be able to accept criticism Why it is important for us to be able to accept criticism (photo: Freepik)

Criticism is an important and integral part of our lives; it can be truly constructive or non-constructive. The key question is how we perceive it. As for why it is crucial to be able to accept criticism, reports the psychological portal Pleso.

How criticism impacts our lives

When we are in a poor mental state, criticism can dismantle our defensive reactions and essentially turn into a virus.

How does this happen? When we receive "advice" from our family, friends, employers, or strangers, we must create an emotional distance between the criticism we receive and our self-esteem. In those moments, it is important to ask ourselves: is this criticism constructive, or on the contrary, toxic? That is, something that begins to affect our self-worth.

The ability to accept constructive criticism is a skill that is acquired through experience and the development of a sense of self-worth.

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Why it's important for us to be able to accept criticism (Photo: Freepik)

Avoiding the spiral of self-criticism

If you find yourself feeling down after another round of criticism, it's crucial to try and halt those emotions before they spiral out of control. Allowing yourself to immerse in feelings of failure and inadequacy may lead you into a downward spiral, convincing you that you are "not enough": not cool enough, not beautiful enough, not smart enough, and so on.

Constructive criticism focuses on your actions rather than defining who you are as a person. However, even criticism of actions should be ecological, meaning it should occur with the intention of positive change rather than aiming to demean it.

It's essential to differentiate between constructive feedback and destructive self-talk. Constructive criticism can be a catalyst for improvement, but excessive self-criticism can be harmful. Taking a step back, assessing the feedback objectively, and using it as a guide for positive change can help maintain a healthy mindset and prevent the negative impact of constant self-doubt.

Return to reality

Distract yourself: Plan your leisure time, even if it's just a day of watching your favorite TV series.

Communicate: Only engage with those who respect your boundaries and feelings of self-worth.

Write it down: Document positive thoughts, and aspirations, keep a gratitude journal, and use a classic planner to jot down even the smallest daily plans.

Lastly, try to create distance between who you are and what you do to make it easier to accept criticism.

Understand that it's normal to take a step back to track where you might be sinking into self-hatred.

Be kind to yourself and realize that the criticism you hear is not confirmation that you are not good enough. Because you are more than enough.

Previously, we discussed 10 unusual steps towards happiness.

Also, be sure to check out our article on the thinking mistakes that can impact the quality of our lives.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.