Mysterious Stonehenge: 7 theories about its origins

Stonehenge is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. For centuries, researchers have been trying to figure out who built it and why, but there is still no clear answer.
RBC-Ukraine reviews seven of the most common theories that try to shed light on this mystery.
Temple to worship the gods
Many researchers believe that Stonehenge was a temple built to worship the gods. The stones, arranged in a perfect circle, could symbolize heavenly order and harmony.
Some archaeological findings indicate that religious rituals related to the sun and the change of seasons were held here. For example, during the summer solstice, the sun rises directly above the main entrance of the building. This confirms that the place had a ritual significance for the ancient inhabitants of the region.
Astronomical calendar
Another theory says that Stonehenge served as a kind of astronomical calendar. The location of the stones could help determine important astronomical events, such as the solstices and equinoxes. In ancient cultures, knowledge of the movement of celestial bodies was critical for agriculture.
Perhaps Stonehenge was used to predict the best times to sow and harvest. This theory is confirmed by the precise location of the structure in relation to the sun and stars.
Stonehenge during the summer solstice (photo: Wikipedia)
Burial place of the nobility
Studies of human remains found near Stonehenge have shown that this place could have served as a large burial complex. Archaeologists have discovered cremated bones dating back to the period of construction of the structure.
Probably, people of high social status or representatives of the spiritual elite were buried here. The stones could symbolize eternity and a connection with the afterlife. This makes Stonehenge a sacred place of memory and honor.
Center for healing and treatment
Some scientists suggest that Stonehenge could have been a place of healing. This is confirmed by the discovery of human remains with traces of serious illness and injury.
People could come here to get help from sacred stones, which they believed had magical healing properties. The special composition of the stones, in particular blue sandstone, was considered energetically powerful.
Reconstructed model of Stonehenge (photo: Wikipedia)
Place for celebrations and gatherings
There is a theory that Stonehenge was a place for large celebrations and social gatherings. Archaeologists have found the remains of banquets and a large number of animal bones, which indicate that celebrations were held.
It could have been a place where different communities gathered to celebrate important events, strengthen alliances, or hold weddings. Stonehenge could have served as a kind of center of culture and unity. Such gatherings also facilitated the exchange of knowledge and experience between tribes.
Ritual place of druids
According to legends, Stonehenge was associated with Celtic druids who performed their magical rites here. Although archaeologists have proved that the building appeared much earlier than the Druidic era, this place probably retained its ritual significance.
The magical atmosphere of Stonehenge inspired the generations that lived after its construction. Druids could use Stonehenge for rituals related to nature and the cycles of life.
Stonehenge inner circle (photo: Wikipedia)
Technological experiment of ancient civilizations
The last but no less fascinating theory suggests that Stonehenge was a kind of technical experiment. The construction of the structure from huge stones brought from tens of kilometers away demonstrates the incredible engineering skills of ancient people.
Some scientists believe that the construction of Stonehenge was a test to check the capabilities of ancient technology and labor. It could have been a way to unite the community through joint work and the achievement of a grand goal.
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Sources: Listverse, Live Science, Wikipedia.