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U.S. Senate's deal on border restrictions with Mexico and French military aid to Ukraine - Weekend brief

U.S. Senate's deal on border restrictions with Mexico and French military aid to Ukraine - Weekend brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

The U.S. Senate has agreed to expand the country's powers to limit the illegal flow of migrants at the border with Mexico. Meanwhile, France intends to provide the Ukrainian Armed Foces with artillery every month.

More details on what happened over the weekend can be found in the material from RBC-Ukraine.

Russia's war against Ukraine

News for January 27:

News for January 28:

France to supply Ukraine with artillery monthly - Quantity revealed

The military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to receive 3,000 shells from France every month, states the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk.

Regarding 155-mm shells for French artillery systems, the deputy defense minister said that France will be able to provide the Ukrainian army with 3,000 shells per month.

Havryliuk also said that Paris has once again demonstrated the sustainability of its support for Ukraine.

"France plans to produce 78 Caesars for Ukraine, six of which will be delivered in the near future," he added.

U.S. Senate strikes deal on border restrictions with Mexico - CNN

In the U.S. Senate, they have agreed to expand the country's powers to limit the illegal flow of migrants at the border with Mexico, reports CNN.

The Senate agreement, likely to be announced next week, will also expedite the asylum process for case review within six months. Under the current system, seeking asylum could take up to 10 years.

The agency noted that this agreement also opens the door to negotiations regarding funding assistance for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Senate leaders hope to incorporate the agreement into the discussions.

President Joe Biden previously stated that the agreement, crafted by Senate negotiators, is both robust and fair.

“It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law,” Biden said.

According to the agreement, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will be granted new extraordinary powers to close the border if the average daily number of migrants reaches 4,000 within one week. Some migrants will be allowed to stay if it's found that they are fleeing torture or persecution in their home countries.

Greece approved transfer of outdated weapon systems to Ukraine

Political and military leadership in Greece has approved the transfer of outdated weapon systems to Ukraine, according to Kathimerini.

The instructions had already been issued to transfer outdated systems and equipment, which were no longer in use by the Greek army, to Ukraine.

This decision by Greece comes after the U.S. Department of Defense's Defense Security Cooperation Agency reported that the State Department approved the sale of F-35 fighter jets to Athens, totaling $8.6 billion.

India wants ditching Russian weapons, distancing from Moscow - Reuters

India aims to part ways with Russian weaponry and create distance from Moscow. However, New Delhi is concerned that this move might push Moscow closer to China, reports Reuters.

As the agency notes, the world's largest arms importer is gradually moving away from Russian weaponry and turning towards the West. Additionally, the U.S. seeks to strengthen ties in the Indo-Pacific region, aiming to counter China's growth and diminish Russia's influence.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Russia supplied 65% of the weaponry India purchased, totaling over $60 billion, over the past two decades. However, the conflict in Ukraine accelerated India's push to diversify its arms base.

Russia, in turn, publicly calls for cooperation with India. Still, India aims to bolster domestic production. Last year, India and the U.S. signed a defense deal, including joint production of engines for fighter jets.

Drone attacks U.S. troops on Jordanian-Syrian border, causing deaths

In northeastern Jordan, near the Syrian border, a drone attacked American troops. As a result, three soldiers were killed and many were injured, according to Reuters.

U.S. President Joe Biden blamed Iranian-backed groups for the attack on the U.S. military.

"While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq," he said.

The death of the soldiers was the first time that U.S. troops have been killed in the region since the start of the war in Gaza. According to Biden, the attack took place on Saturday night.

"We will carry on their commitment to fight terrorism. And have no doubt - we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner of our choosing," the president said.

Pro-Russian hackers plan large-scale cyberattack on Ukrainian government

The pro-Russian hacker group NoName05716 has announced plans to launch a large-scale cyberattack on the Ukrainian government, reports The Guardian.

The hacker group claims to be preparing to attack the Ukrainian government with the help of other hacker groups 22C, Skillnet, CyberDragon, Federal Legion, People's Cyber Army, and Phoenix.

Cyberattacks have been a concern for Ukrainian officials since the beginning of the war, and the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group has formed an IT coalition of 12 countries.