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White House responds to Zelenskyy's call to lift restrictions on strikes against Russia

White House responds to Zelenskyy's call to lift restrictions on strikes against Russia Photo: John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council of the White House (Getty Images)

The United States will continue to discuss with Ukraine the issue of lifting restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia. The dialogue will take place in a private format, this was stated by John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council of the White House, according to journalist Alex Raufoglu on Twitter (X).

Kirby was asked to comment on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's recent call to lift restrictions on the use of Western weapons for strikes on Russian territory.

He noted that the Ukrainian leader had previously called for the removal of such restrictions both privately and publicly. The US understands that Zelenskyy is making these calls because his country is under attack.

"But as I've said many, many times, we'll keep the conversations with the Ukrainians going, but we're going to keep it private," Kirby added.

He also mentioned that he could not speak about any changes in US policy on this issue.

What preceded

Russian forces launched over a hundred rockets and drones at Ukraine today, August 26. Ukrainian defenders managed to destroy 102 enemy rockets and 99 drones.

Against this backdrop, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on allies to lift restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia, emphasizing that strong decisions are needed to end the war.

It is worth noting that the US prohibits Ukraine from using its long-range ATACMS missiles for strikes on Russian territory.