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White House responds to ban on Chinese officials to use iPhones - Reuters

White House responds to ban on Chinese officials to use iPhones - Reuters The White House has responded to the ban on Chinese officials using iPhones (photo: GettyImages)

Washington has expressed concern over the ban on Chinese central government officials using American iPhones, according to Reuters.

The White House has stated that China's move appears aggressive and disproportionate as it bans central government officials from using American iPhones, according to Reuters. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby called on Beijing to be more transparent regarding restrictions on iPhones.

It is noted that China's move could be a response to similar actions by the United States against Chinese technology. The U.S. Congress banned the use of Chinese TikTok on government devices at the end of December 2022. Similar decisions have since been made in EU countries.

China has banned government officials from using iPhones

Chinese officials have been avoiding using iPhones for months now. Apple receives about 19% of its revenue from China, so this ban could have a negative impact on the company.

United States-China relations

The relationship between the two countries at the beginning of 2022 was at its lowest point in a decade. In June, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China and stated that it would mark the beginning of improved relations between America and China.

However, the U.S. still approaches Beijing with caution. President Biden has referred to China as a "slow-moving train wreck."