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China bans government officials from using iPhones: WSJ

China bans government officials from using iPhones: WSJ China has banned the use of the iPhone (Photo:
Author: Daria Shekina

In China, officials from the central government have been banned from using American iPhones. This move may be a response to similar actions taken by the United States against Chinese technology companies, according to The Wall Street Journal.

According to reports, Chinese officials have been following an unwritten rule to avoid using iPhones for months. This could be seen as retaliation for similar actions by the United States against Chinese technology and the TikTok social media platform.

Chinese companies affected by Washington's restrictions include Huawei and ZTE. Last year, the Biden administration banned the approval of new telecommunications equipment from both companies.

The ban on iPhones for Chinese officials could negatively impact Apple, as the company receives approximately 19% of its revenue from China.

Technological relations between countries

Popular video-sharing apps developed in China have been blocked by governments in Western countries in recent months.

For example, the US Congress banned the use of Chinese-owned TikTok on government devices at the end of December 2022. Similar decisions have been made in EU countries.

Earlier this year, American lawmakers gathered signatures to grant President Joe Biden the authority to ban TikTok in the United States. Montana Governor Greg Gianforte even signed a law banning TikTok.