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White House calls Russian terrorist attack against Ukraine classic Putin scheme, promises air defense support

White House calls Russian terrorist attack against Ukraine classic Putin scheme, promises air defense support White House National Security Advisor John Kirby (photo: Getty Images)

The White House has labeled the latest massive missile attack on Ukraine by Russia as a classic Putin tactic and stated that the US is focused on strengthening Ukraine's air defense, states White House National Security Advisor John Kirby.

Kirby said that they unequivocally condemned the attacks, describing them as a classic tactic of Vladimir Putin targeting energy infrastructure. He noted that Putin was aware of the impending change in weather and the increased need for heating and electricity in Ukraine as it got colder. Kirby emphasized that this was yet another classic move by Putin and stated that their focus was on ensuring the most reliable air defense possible.

He noted that Ukraine’s air defenses performed very well, intercepting most aerial targets and that the US intends to make sure that Ukraine can continue this effectiveness.

Kirby added that they were focused on interceptors and air defense systems not only from the United States but also from allies and partners.

On the morning of August 26, Russia launched a massive aerial attack on Ukraine, deploying 127 missiles and 109 drones. According to the Ukrainian Navy, 201 aerial targets were shot down in the air defense battle - 102 missiles and 99 strike drones.

The targets of the occupiers were energy infrastructure facilities, causing widespread power outages across the country. The capital experienced power shortages for most of the day. The specific targets hit remain unknown. On Tuesday, August 27, some regions will implement power outage schedules.