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When will U.S. Senate approve $24 billion for Ukraine: Possible timeline announced

When will U.S. Senate approve $24 billion for Ukraine: Possible timeline announced Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senator (Photo: flickr by Gage Skidmore)
Author: Daria Shekina

In the U.S. Senate, they expect that the upper chamber of parliament will approve additional funding for Ukraine in the amount of $24 billion by the end of September, accotding to Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican minority in the Senate, cited by Politico.

He notes that after the escalation by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in the war, U.S. President Joe Biden "was not as decisive as many of us have preferred."

According to McConnell, now is not the time for the Senate to relax its support for Ukraine.

The senator adds that members of the upper chamber of Congress will have the opportunity to demonstrate their support "when we pass the supplemental appropriation before the month is out."

Additional funding for Ukraine from the U.S.

In early August, U.S. President Joe Biden submitted a request to Congress for additional funding of about $40 billion. He proposed allocating $24 billion of these funds to Ukraine.

A few days before that, the Pentagon stated that they had about $6 billion remaining in their budget for military aid to Ukraine.

At the end of August, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasized that they had no doubt in the White House that Congress would approve additional funding.