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Weapons stockpile for 2-4 months of war destroyed in Russia's Toropets

Weapons stockpile for 2-4 months of war destroyed in Russia's Toropets Photo: The warehouse in Toropets contained weapons for 2-4 months of the war (video screenshot)

A 2-4 month supply of ammunition was destroyed at the Russian depot in Toropets. This will not end the war, but it will reduce the intensity of the use of weapons, according to the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council, Andriy Kovalenkoю

“The destroyed Russian warehouse in Toropets is 2 to 4 months of war in terms of ammunition,” he wrote.

According to him, strategic depots exist to accumulate resources for a long war. Its destruction does not mean that the war will stop now, but it deprives Russian military logistics of the ability to continue it longer, and in some places will reduce the intensity of the use of weapons.

“This is a very important success,” Kovalenko added.

Destruction of the warehouse in Toropets

On the night of September 18, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked a large ammunition and missile depot in Toropets, Tver region, Russia. Iskander, S-300, and S-400 missiles were stored there. A stockpile of North Korean KN23 missiles was also there.

According to British intelligence, the explosion at the Toropets warehouse after the strike was equivalent to an earthquake.

Estonian intelligence said Russia lost 2-3 months' worth of missiles in the strike. 30,000 tons of explosive ammunition detonated, which is 750,000 shells. According to the average combat rate, Russia launches 10,000 shells per week.