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Russia loses 2-3 months' worth of ammunition in strike on Toropets depot - Estonian intelligence

Russia loses 2-3 months' worth of ammunition in strike on Toropets depot - Estonian intelligence Photo: Head of the Estonian Defense Intelligence Center Ants Kiviselg (

Due to the strike on a depot in Toropets, Tver region, on September 18, Russia lost ammunition supplies sufficient for 2-3 months. The impact on the frontline could be visible in the coming weeks, according to the head of the Intelligence Center of the Estonian Defense Forces, Colonel Ants Kiviselg.

According to him, additional ammunition, which had not yet been stored at the Toropets depot, was transported there by train shortly before the strike.

"Thirty thousand tons of explosive ammunition detonated, which amounts to 750,000 shells. Based on the average combat firing rate, the Russian Federation fires 10,000 shells per week. So this was a two-to-three-month supply of ammunition," he said.

Kiviselg believes that the effect of this loss on the occupiers will be visible on the frontline in the coming weeks.

Strike on the Toropets depot

On the night of September 18, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked a large depot storing ammunition and missiles in Toropets, Tver region, Russia. The consequences of the Ukrainian military’s strike are visible even from space.

Initially, it was reported that the Russians stored BM-21 "Grad" rockets, 82mm mortars, and cartridges at the depot. Later, it was revealed that the occupiers also stored "Iskander," S-300, and S-400 missiles, as well as forming a stockpile of North Korean KN23 missiles.

The UK Ministry of Defense believes that the explosion that occurred at the Toropets depot after the strike was equivalent to an earthquake.