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We all bear responsibility to end war in Ukraine - Czech President

We all bear responsibility to end war in Ukraine - Czech President Photo: Czech President Petr Pavel (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Peace Forum in Switzerland served as a kind of referendum among Western countries. Now, it is necessary to show whether they are ready to support the power of democracy, stated Czech President Petr Pavel, according to Radio Free Europe.

Pavel said that the continuation of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine is leading to further violations of human rights.

He reminded that even during his speech, Ukraine is suffering from deliberate shelling of civilian infrastructure, including energy and heating systems, by Russia.

Pavel emphasized that everyone bears a responsibility to put an end to this decline in international standards.

The Czech President called on the world's major powers, especially China, to use their influence to promote peace.

Preparation for the second Peace Summit

Earlier, it was reported that Ukraine plans to hold a second Peace Summit with representatives of Russia. The event is scheduled after the completion of work on a joint peace plan.

However, Russia has stated that it has no intention of participating in the meeting.